My confession about releases

Dear Readers, I have a confession...
I HATE releases! I LOVE writing. I LOVE getting feedback. I LOVE hearing people talk about my make-believe friends.
I HATE the actual release. You would think that the longer I do this, the easier it would become. In fact, the opposite is true.
Blame it on unrealistic expectations...blame it on associating my self-worth to the sales and ranks (it's stupid- intellectually, I get that. Emotionally - it's a killer!)
I was so incredibly stressed with the release of BETRAYAL (which incidentally was the best release I'd had since CONVICTED) that I jokingly said to Jeff, let's get out of town on my next release.
Well, be careful what you wish for.
Jeff and I are boarding a plane tomorrow morning for Fairbanks, Alaska. I said I wanted to be "away", the arctic circle will definitely "away".
Once we land in Fairbanks, the next day we begin a tour of the arctic circle. I have NO idea if we will have internet or if I will even be able to make phone calls...I know, checking my ranking every twenty minutes will be impossible.
Why Alaska in the winter?
Two reasons.
One, we've always wanted to see the northern lights! I hope to goodness we do. We should, weather and God willing. If we do, I promise pictures! Jeff got a new camera.
Two. The new LIGHT series, which will be released June 14 with INTO THE LIGHT is partially set in Alaska, in the circum-polar north...very northern Alaska. This trip is research, checking my resources and hopefully giving me more info for more books in The Light Series.
So, from Jan. 16 - 21 Jeff and I will be very "spotty" online. I ask that you forgive me our abscence and understand the incredible stress that comes with releasing words into the world. AND to please help us by doing what we won't be able to do, and spread the word!
Tell everyone about Nox and Charli. Let them know Betrayal is now on sale for ONLY $0.99. (Sale ends Jan. 21) AND that they NEED to one-click Cunning!!!
I realize people are hesitant about series. I have promised these releases in 3 - 4 months of each one. I won't make you wait longer than that.
Thank you for you ongoing love and support. Having all of you in our lives has made this author journey priceless!!!
I will keep in touch when I can.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Aleatha and MrJeff